Foot Reflexology or Reflex Therapy is a treatment modality where pressure is applied to specific reflex points on the foot or other parts of the body. These points correspond to different organs and areas of the body, similar to acupuncture points. The treatment will induce a healing response. Reflexology is one of the most popular types of therapeutic massage that is known to help in stress management, insomnia and pain management.
The image above is an example of a reflexology foot chart or map. It shows which part of the foot connects to each organ or area of the body. As you can see, there’s a spot on the map for every organ or system in the body. A reflexologist can treat specific parts of your body by targeting that area of the foot.Foot Reflexology involves a method of stimulation, and it all revolves around the charted areas of foot.
How reflexology differs from a foot massage?
These two treatments might seem similar, but there are some key differences. Both can be beneficial! Here’s what you can expect during a foot massage versus a reflexology massage.
Massage therapy is the manipulation of tissues to relax the muscles, relieve tension, and improve circulation. This can improve overall health and well-being.
Reflexology, on the other hand, uses a targeted, pressure-point massage to restore the flow of energy throughout the body. The treatment usually focuses on the feet, but it can also include the hands, head, spine, face and ears. There can be many potential benefits of this kind of approach.
What are the benefits?
Reflexology can address anything like stress, pain management and insomnia. One can take reflex session to relieve tension. If sensitivity or tenderness is experienced when an area is stimulated, it usually indicates bodily weaknesses or imbalances within the corresponding organ.
With repeated pressure and manipulation of nerve endings, reflexology can help to clear any channels of blocked energy. It is said to do so through moving the flow of blood, nutrients and nerve impulses. This ultimately improves overall health and balance.
Other potential benefits:
To be more effective, a reflexology therapist must be certified and understand the meridians related to each pressure point. At FOOTSENZ, all our therapists are well trained and certified.
How much does a reflexology session cost?
Similar to any treatment or massage therapy, prices for reflexology will vary from offering place to place.In Chennai, Tamil Nādu, you may expect the pricing for a quality professional reflex session would be around Rs.1000-Rs.1500 for a 30 Minutes session. However, @ FOOTSENZ the pricing is fixed very nominally. Check for yourself in the Price List. Make use of the Package Offers to get the best pricing.
What is a reflexology session like?
The treatment typically lasts 60 minutes. Have a conversation with your reflexologist beforehand to discuss issues like stress, tension headaches or trouble sleeping.
During the session, you’re clothed and lying down over a disposable bed sheet. The therapist will rub, press on and squeeze points on your feet. The therapist may concentrate on specific areas to alleviate ailments.
Important Things to Remember:
How reflexology differs from a foot massage?
These two treatments might seem similar, but there are some key differences. Both can be beneficial! Here’s what you can expect during a foot massage versus a reflexology massage.
Massage therapy is the manipulation of tissues to relax the muscles, relieve tension, and improve circulation. This can improve overall health and well-being.
Reflexology, on the other hand, uses a targeted, pressure-point massage to restore the flow of energy throughout the body. The treatment usually focuses on the feet, but it can also include the hands, head, spine, face and ears. There can be many potential benefits of this kind of approach.
What are the benefits?
Reflexology can address anything like stress, pain management and insomnia. One can take reflex session to relieve tension. If sensitivity or tenderness is experienced when an area is stimulated, it usually indicates bodily weaknesses or imbalances within the corresponding organ.
With repeated pressure and manipulation of nerve endings, reflexology can help to clear any channels of blocked energy. It is said to do so through moving the flow of blood, nutrients and nerve impulses. This ultimately improves overall health and balance.
Other potential benefits:
- Cleanse the body of toxins
- Boost the immune system
- Increase circulation
- Promote healing
- Balance energy
To be more effective, a reflexology therapist must be certified and understand the meridians related to each pressure point. At FOOTSENZ, all our therapists are well trained and certified.
How much does a reflexology session cost?
Similar to any treatment or massage therapy, prices for reflexology will vary from offering place to place.In Chennai, Tamil Nādu, you may expect the pricing for a quality professional reflex session would be around Rs.1000-Rs.1500 for a 30 Minutes session. However, @ FOOTSENZ the pricing is fixed very nominally. Check for yourself in the Price List. Make use of the Package Offers to get the best pricing.
What is a reflexology session like?
The treatment typically lasts 60 minutes. Have a conversation with your reflexologist beforehand to discuss issues like stress, tension headaches or trouble sleeping.
During the session, you’re clothed and lying down over a disposable bed sheet. The therapist will rub, press on and squeeze points on your feet. The therapist may concentrate on specific areas to alleviate ailments.
Important Things to Remember:
- Wait at least one hour after the massage before eating
- Don’t receive reflexology if you are pregnant.
- Drink water following the treatment to eliminate toxins and lactic acid build-up that occurs during the massage
- Consult our doctor first if you have foot problems, an injury or a blood vessel disease associated with clots or varicose veins